Baal, bearded, draped over his legs and left shoulder, holding a flying bird in his right hand, holding a sceptre surmounted by a lotus in his left hand
Heracles facing, naked holding a bow and arrow, his arm covered with a lion skin, resting on a club on the ground
Bust of Athena three-quarters facing, draped and adorned with a necklace, wearing an Attic helmet with triple crest
Baaltars seated on an ornate throne, his arm resting on the backrest, holding a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower; in the field, corn-ear and bunch of grapes; in the lower field, I
Bust of Athena three-quarters facing, draped and adorned with a necklace, wearing an Attic helmet with triple crest
Baaltars seated on an ornate throne, his arm resting on the backrest, holding a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower; in the field, corn-ear and bunch of grapes; below throne, I
Bust of Athena three-quarters facing, draped and adorned with a necklace, wearing an Attic helmet with triple crest; to either side I-Σ
Baaltars seated on an ornate throne, his arm resting on the backrest, holding a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower; in the field, corn-ear and bunch of grapes; below throne, Σ