Baaltars, bearded, draped, seated on a diphros (portable seat), head facing forward, holding an eagle an ear of wheat and a bunch of grapes in one hand and a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower in the other
Lion attacking a kneeling bull; beneath, magistrate's name
Baaltars seated on a diphros (portable seat), bearded, head facing forward wearing a laurel wreath wearing a drape, holding an eagle, an ear of wheat and a bunch of grapes in his right hand, and a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower in the left hand
Lion attacking a kneeling bull; beneath, control symbols or letters
Baaltars seated on a diphros (portable seat), bearded, head facing forward wearing a laurel wreath wearing a drape, holding an eagle, an ear of wheat and a bunch of grapes in his right hand, and a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower in the left hand
Lion attacking a kneeling bull; no control beneath
Baaltars, bearded, draped, seated on a diphros (portable seat), head facing forward, holding an eagle an ear of wheat and a bunch of grapes in one hand and a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower in the other
Bust of Athena three-quarters facing, draped and adorned with a necklace, wearing an Attic helmet with triple crest
Baaltars seated on an ornate throne, his arm resting on the backrest, holding a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower; in the field, corn-ear and bunch of grapes; in the lower field, T; in the right field, B and ivy leaf
Bust of Athena three-quarters facing, draped and adorned with a necklace, wearing an Attic helmet with triple crest
Baaltars seated on an ornate throne, his arm resting on the backrest, holding a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower; in the field, corn-ear and bunch of grapes
Bust of Athena three-quarters facing, draped and adorned with a necklace, wearing an Attic helmet with triple crest
Baaltars seated on an ornate throne, his arm resting on the backrest, holding a sceptre surmounted by a lotus flower; in the field, corn-ear and bunch of grapes; below throne, M